Currently there are no fully funded postdoctoral positions available. We welcome applications from enthusiastic researchers that are interested in joining our group and are prepared to apply for fellowships (MSCA, EMBO, HFSP, etc.). Please send a CV and a brief cover letter outlining your research experience and interests.
PhD programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Prospective PhD students should consult the school website for details (look for “Pharmaceutical Sciences”).
Master Theses
Master students (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology) interested in joining our group for an experimental thesis (12 months) should contact us directly.
Gli studenti dei corsi di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche, Farmacia, Chimica, e Biotecnologie del Farmaco interessati a svolgere la propria tesi sperimentale (12 mesi) presso il nostro laboratorio sono pregati di contattarci direttamente.