Clelia Dallanoce

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Clelia Dallanoce received from the University of Milan (Italy) her master’s degrees in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in 1990, and in Pharmacy in 1995. After working in Pierrel S.p.A. on a research program directed to the study of mixtures for parenteral nutrition, and next in Marion Merrel Dow dealing with chemical modifications of antibiotics to widen their antimicrobic activity and improve their pharmacokinetic properties, in 1996 she joined the University of Milan becoming assistant professor of Medicinal Chemistry. Since 2018 she is associate professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, where she currently teaches “Drug Analysis 1”and “Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1” for the degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, and “Medicinal Chemistry” for the degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. In 2017 she was designated as delegate of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Scientific Project of the new Milan University CAMPUS within MIND. During the academic career her research lines have been focused on the design and synthesis of muscarinic dualsteric molecules and nicotinic silent compounds for the study of ligand-receptor interactions and activation. A more recent field of her scientific interest is the preparation of stable and unstable isotope-labeled ligands for applications in drug discovery and development. She is co-author of more than 70 original research papers, appeared in the most qualified medicinal chemistry journals, and she is co-inventor of 5 patents.

Research interests: muscarinic ligands | nicotinic ligands | dualsteric ligands | PET radiotracers | multiple sclerosis

